World Leading LLM Security

Safeguard your AI from potential hazards and security issues in real-time.

Sentinel equips businesses with the tools to create cutting-edge GenAI applications, offering peace of mind against risks such as prompt injections, data breaches, harmful content, and other challenges specific to Large Language Models.

Easily Secure Your LLMs

Implement robust protection effortlessly with just a single line of code. Lakera Guard offers comprehensive security for your organization, adaptable for both cloud and on-premises deployment.

Simplify AI Deployment

Eliminate the stress of security concerns and swiftly transition your innovative LLM projects into live environments. Begin your journey in under five minutes, at no initial cost.

Strengthen Your Defenses Daily

Lakera’s extensive threat intelligence repository is brimming with millions of attack instances, expanding daily by over 100,000 new entries. With Lakera Guard, your security measures grow more resilient each day.

# Import necessary libraries for LLM
from some_llm_library import LargeLanguageModel

# Import the sentinel module for security
from sentinel_security import Sentinel

def initialize_model_with_security():
    # Initialize the Large Language Model
    llm = LargeLanguageModel()

    # Initialize the Sentinel with custom security rules
    security_rules = {
        "block_profanity": True,
        "prevent_sensitive_data_leakage": True,
        "enforce_ethical_guidelines": True
    sentinel = Sentinel(rules=security_rules)

    # Attach the Sentinel to the LLM for monitoring and security

Used by the world's leading Large Language Models

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