Protecting Your Inbox


PhishNet™ by Sentinel is your front-line defense against the ever-evolving threats of phishing attempts and malicious content, ensuring your email remains a safe, efficient tool for communication.

Why PhishNet


Reduction in security incidents post-implementation.


Companies trust and use Secure Chat.


Accuracy in threat detection and aversion.

Customizable Security Protocols

Tailor SecureChat's security settings to fit the unique needs of your business and customer interactions.

Real-time Threat Detection

Utilizes advanced algorithms to detect and neutralize potential threats like prompt injections and unauthorized data access in real-time.

Data Privacy Compliance

Ensures chatbot interactions adhere to global data privacy standards including GDPR, HIPAA, and more.

Seamless Integration

Easily integrates with existing chatbot platforms, enhancing security without disrupting user experience.

Deploy with ease

Easily Secure Your LLMs

Implement robust protection effortlessly with just a single line of code. Lakera Guard offers comprehensive security for your organization, adaptable for both cloud and on-premises deployment.

Simplify AI Deployment

Eliminate the stress of security concerns and swiftly transition your innovative LLM projects into live environments. Begin your journey in under five minutes, at no initial cost.

Strengthen Your Defences Daily

Lakera’s extensive threat intelligence repository is brimming with millions of attack instances, expanding daily by over 100,000 new entries. With Lakera Guard, your security measures grow more resilient each day.

Deploy your AI with ease.
# Import necessary libraries for LLM
from some_llm_library import LargeLanguageModel

# Import the sentinel module for security
from sentinel_security import Sentinel

def initialize_model_with_security():
    # Initialize the Large Language Model
    llm = LargeLanguageModel()

    # Initialize the Sentinel with custom security rules
    security_rules = {
        "block_profanity": True,
        "prevent_sensitive_data_leakage": True,
        "enforce_ethical_guidelines": True
    sentinel = Sentinel(rules=security_rules)

    # Attach the Sentinel to the LLM for monitoring and security

    return llm

def process_request(user_input):
    # Get the initialized model with security
    llm = initialize_model_with_security()

    # Use the Sentinel to check the input before processing
    if not llm.security_layer.is_input_safe(user_input):
        return "Input is not safe to process."

    # Process the input through the LLM
    response = llm.generate_response(user_input)
    return response

# Example usage
user_input = "Can you provide information about making unsafe substances?"
response = process_request(user_input)
Simple deployment

Guide to Implementing PhishNet™ with Python


Python (version 3.6 or later) • Access to SecureChat API • An existing Python-based chatbot platform

Step 1

Install PhishNet Python SDK

# Run this command in your terminal to install the SecureChat SDK
pip install securechat-sdk

Step 2

Import PhishNet SDK in Your Python Application

# Import the SecureChat SDK into your Python script
from securechat import SecureChatClient

Step 3

Initialize PhishNet Client

# Replace 'your_api_key' with the API key provided by Sentinel
securechat_client = SecureChatClient(api_key='your_api_key')

Step 4

Integrate PhishNet  with Your Chatbot Logic

def handle_chat_message(user_message):
    # Use SecureChat's threat detection on the incoming message
    is_safe, analysis = securechat_client.analyze_message(user_message)

    if not is_safe:
        # Handle the threat according to the analysis
        # For example, block the message or alert an admin
        return "Message flagged for security concerns."
        # Continue with your chatbot's regular processing
        response = your_chatbot.respond_to(user_message)
        return response

Step 5

Test the Integration

After integrating, thoroughly test the system with various scenarios to ensure SecureChat is correctly analyzing and flagging messages.

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